December 1st, 2024
1st Sunday of Advent
Holy Trinity School Updates
Archdiocese of New York Calendar for December: This includes concerts, Advent related activities,prayer opportunities, as well as virtual retreat dates, and Reconciliation Monday date. Please go to:
Advent Birthright Service Project:
It is that time of year again! It is time for the third grade to begin collecting donations for those in need. This year, we are doing something new! We will be collecting for Birthright. Birthright provides caring support to mothers and their babies. They provide friendship, information and even baby necessities.
Each class is being asked to bring in specific items. The items are to be new and unused. Grade 8- Baby socks (up to 24 months) Grade 7- Baby socks (up to 24 months) Grade 6- Teethers/Teething rings Grade 5- Baby Wash Grade 4- Baby Wipes Grade 3- Baby Bottles Grade 2- Pacifiers Grade 1- Baby Bottles Kindergarten- Baby Powder UPK- HTS Main- Rattles Pre K, UPK Annex- Baby Lotion.
Donations will be accepted from December 2nd to December 20th. The class that brings in the most items in each building will be rewarded!!! Thank you in advance for your generosity and your support of this ministry.
Mrs. Adam’s Third Grade
Advent Prayer Services: Monday Afternoon in The Gym at 2:15 P.M. Led by the 8th Grade
Thursday, December 5th: First Reconciliation Meeting- 2nd Grade Parents, 6:00 P.M. in the Church
Friday, December 6th: 11:30 A.M. Dismissal
Tuesday, December 10th: Christmas Concert 6:00 P.M. in the Church.
Band arrives at 5:30 P.M. and all other students at 5:45 P.M. Students are to wear their Sunday best. Slacks, dress shirts, dress shoes for boys, and Appropriate dresses or skirts, knee length, with sleeves, or dress slacks with appropriate tops, and dress shoes for girls. Please do not allow your child to wear jeans, sneakers, or casual clothing. This is a dress up event to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Christmas Break: December 21st- January 1st. School reopens, Thursday, January 2nd.
Marist Basketball Game: Sunday, January 5th, at 2:00 P.M. Marish vs. Quinnipiac
Basketball Bleacher seats: $5.00 each. Send in money or check made out to Holy Trinity School to reserve tickets.
Screenagers Presentation: 6:00 P.M. in the Gym for Students and Parents about the use of technology. Dressdown will be given to any student in attendance.
Come, Lord Jesus! Come! May this Advent be a time of deep renewal in my life, dear Lord. May it be a time in which I strive with all my heart to seek out Your gentle and profound voice. Give me the grace, dear Lord, to turn away from the many noises of the world that compete for my attention and to turn only to You and to all You wish to say. Come, Lord Jesus, come into my life more deeply during this Advent season. Jesus, I trust in You.