UPK @ The Annex
Holy Trinity School Annex @ Saint Peter’s
Early Childhood Center
Early Education Tab on the
Holy Trinity Website (https://holy-trinity-school.com/early-childhood-1)
Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) at the Holy Trinity Annex is designed to help children begin their education at an early age and get a solid start on the road to active learning. Our UPK Program represents an excellent, high-quality Pre-K education for 4-year-olds.
We use the Creative Curriculum in all of our Pre-K classes. With Creative Curriculum, classrooms are designed to keep your child learning, exploring, and provides enough material to allow them to do so both independently and socially. Teachers will develop positive relationships with each child. They will create an environment that allows children to grow throughout the year and that promotes learning.
The creative curriculum focuses on project-based investigations as a means for your child to apply skills and addresses four areas of development: social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language. The Creative Curriculum is a play-based learning curriculum that focuses on interest areas and fosters creativity in both children and teachers. Being creative means thinking of new ideas, obtaining information by asking questions, and learning through trial and error.
Children will be immersed in a series of units throughout the year based on different themes such as buildings, trees, pets, water and more. These units will last 4 to 6 weeks to provide time for them to be fully explored by the children.
A typical day in a UPK class at the Annex would include:
Morning Meeting - A time where students get prepared for the day with discussion, songs and routines and they answer the Question of the Day.
Center Times - Children will choose where to explore and learn from amongst the many centers in each room. Centers include dramatic play, the block center, the art center, the literacy and writing center, the fine motor center, the science/discovery center, and the library.
Gross Motor Time - Children will move their bodies in organized activities and games as well as free play. We have a large playground and field area as well as a gym area and a discovery sensory room for students to use.
Music and Movement - Songs and rhymes are used to engage the students and get them moving during these exciting times.
Storytime - Children engage with literacy led by their teacher. They listen and interact with stories.
Mealtimes - Students will eat lunch in the classrooms with the classroom teachers and aides and their friends. This is a time to work on their social skills.